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42 x WERELDKAMPIOEN Liefhebber van het kweken van kleurkanaries (ook zebravinken en gouldamadines) en het creëren en ontwikkelen van nieuwe kleuren. Ieder jaar opnieuw iets nieuws, mooier, anders! The FINEST CREATIONS noemde eens een Engelsman mijn vogels. In het Italiaans: I CREATURA PIU ATTRAENTA en dat klinkt nog mooier. Contact: constant@vansanten.it

zaterdag 1 februari 2014

The World Championships COM handed on to Organisation World Championships “Mondial 2015” Rosmalen-‘s-Hertogenbosch

We did look forward to the Championships in Bari-Italy. We did breed birds for the last year but the championships are behind us and the birds cannot be presented anymore. That’s the past. We have got to start again for our 2014 breeding which will be presented on the next World Championships which will be held in Rosmalen-‘s-Hertogenbosch, Graafsebaan 133.

Everyone will start with egg number one and young number one.
Breeding old colours again and try to make those better or breeding new colours, mutations or specific sorts. A challenge for every bird breeder. Every year again. Between the Championships and starting breeding the cleaning of rooms and cages will take some time but a rest is needed after the work which had to be done at Bari. Congresses, meetings, contacts with country delegations, diners, controlling work, welcoming new members, having a word with friends all over, and so on.I do shame a bit not having a proper look at the 26.000 birds at the show.

The support I have from all of you do give me the strength to continue the job and do the work as good I can do for you. I will remember the warmth of all of you.

Wish you a very good breedingseason and when problems, as a COM federation, please let the Committee Directive know it. We have got to be at your service!